Grappling with Graves’ #8: My Advice to Graves’ Patients

As Graves’ Disease Awareness Month comes to an end and I wrap up my last post in my Grappling with Graves’ series, I want to share a few pieces of advice with those who suspect they have Graves’ or some other thyroid disease or disorder.

  • If you suspect your thyroid is not working properly, ask your doctor to run the appropriate tests and refer you to an endocrinologist as needed.
  • Pay attention to any signs your body is giving you that there may be a problem – weight loss or gain, skin issues, anxiety, hair loss, rapid heartbeat, etc.  Document the occurrences as best you can.

If you are diagnosed with Graves’ Disease:

  • Do your homework. Read about the treatment options and choose carefully the one that will work best for you.
  • Make sure that every doctor you see is aware of your diagnosis.
  • When new symptoms occur, assume they are thyroid-related and seek the help of an appropriate specialist.
  • Visit a thyroid eye disease specialist for out of the ordinary eye issues (don’t get new glasses until you know for sure you don’t have thyroid eye disease).
  • Take medications according to the directions. (Thyroid medications don’t always mix well with other drugs. It’s best to take those by themselves at least a few hours before or after other medications.)
  • Hang in there!  The journey is long and hard! Make sure you have support from family and friends.

I hope this series is helpful to others who can learn my experiences. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at